Reino Unido

Solapas principales


Mark Keenan recibió tratamiento psiquiátrico intermitente desde que tenia  21 años. A los 28 años, Keenan fue ingresado en la cárcel, inicialmente al centro de salud de la prisión. Se hicieron varios intentos de transferirlo a donde se encuentra la población carcelaria en general, pero su salud mental empeoró cada vez más. Tras un intento de transferencia, asaltó a dos guardias y su sentencia se incrementó en veintiocho días. Al día siguiente Keenan se ahorcó.

Mark Keenan received intermittent psychiatric treatment since the age of 21. At 28, Keenan was admitted to prison, initially to the prison health center. Several attempts were made to transfer him to the general population, but his mental health worsened each time. Following a transfer attempt, he assaulted two guards and his sentence was increased by twenty-eight days. The next day Keenan hung himself.

La demandante, Sra. N, ciudadana ugandesa, entró en el Reino Unido en marzo de 1998. Estaba gravemente enferma y fue diagnosticada con VIH. Completó una solicitud de asilo a los pocos días, alegando que había sido violada por el Movimiento de Resistencia Nacional en Uganda debido a su asociación con el Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (Lord's Resistance Army). En agosto de 1998, la Sra. N desarrolló el Sarcoma de Kaposi.

The claimants in this joined action were asylum-seekers who had sought asylum after their initial entry to the UK. The defendant, Secretary of State for the Home Department, refused support under Section 55 of the Nationality, Immigration, and Asylum Act 2002 ("the Act") with regard to accommodation. Section 55 allowed refusal of support to asylum seekers who failed to make their claim as soon as reasonably practicable.

The applicant, Ms. N, a Ugandan national, entered the UK in March 1998. She was seriously ill and was diagnosed as HIV positive. She completed an asylum application within a few days, claiming she had been raped by the National Resistance Movement in Uganda because of her association with the Lord's Resistance Army. In August 1998, Ms. N developed Kaposi's sarcoma. In March 2001, a physician prepared an expert report which expressed that without regular antiretroviral treatment and monitoring, the applicant's life expectancy would be less than one year.

Sally Chapman purchased a piece of land in 1985 with the intention of living on it in a caravan. She was refused permission to live on the land by the District Council and was given 15 months to vacate it. She claimed her rights under the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated, including Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and Article 14 (violation of prohibition of discrimination). Following an invitation of the President of the Court (according to Art 36 § 2), the European Roma Rights Centre intervened as a third party in the written procedure.

La legislación otorgaba a los receptores de beneficios de seguridad social el derecho a un subsidio en concepto de combustible para el invierno. El subsidio estaba disponible para mujeres de por lo menos 60 años y hombres de por lo menos 65. El Sr. Taylor tenía 62 años y presentó un reclamo aduciendo que la legislación no cumplía con la Directiva del Consejo de la Unión Europea sobre la aplicación progresiva del principio de la igualdad de hombres y mujeres en cuestiones de seguridad social.

Conforme al artículo 298, las autoridades educativas locales (LEA) debían tomar las medidas necesarias para proporcionar una educación adecuada a los niños que estén en edad escolar y que debido a, entre otras razones, su estado de salud no puedan recibirla de otra manera.

Regulations entitled those on social security benefits to receipt of a winter fuel payment for.  The payment was available to women aged 60 and over and men aged 65 and over. Mr Taylor was 62 and brought a complaint on the basis that the regulation did not comply with the European Union Council Directive on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. The High Court referred the interpretation of the Directive to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).  

According to Section 298 each local education authority (‘LEA') was required to make arrangements for the provision of suitable education for those children of compulsory school age who, by reason of, amongst other things, illness, might not otherwise receive it. According to Section 298, “‘suitable education,' in relation to a child...