Juana Toledo Pascual is Q’anjob’al Mayan woman, Indigenous Peoples’ rights defender, from the Eulalia municipality in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. She is part of the Council of Wuxhtaj Peoples’ leadership, co-founder and coordinator of the Political Council of Women (CPO), an organization that includes most of the Mayan peoples of Guatemala, and has participated in national and international spaces for analysis and discussion on women’s political participation and the rights to consultation and self-determination of indigenous peoples. She has been recognized by the Presidential Commission against Discrimination and Racism (CODISRA) for her contribution to the promotion of the rights of the Mayan, Garifuna, and Xinka Peoples in Guatemala. She is part of ESCR-Net, as well as the Corporate Accountability working group that is pushing for a UN binding treaty on human rights and business.