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Una empresa privada obtuvo una licencia para extraer piedras de la montaña Etela-Riutusvaara. Miembros indígenas del Comité de Pastores Muotkatunturi denunciaron que la extracción de la piedra y su transporte a través de su territorio de pastoreo de renos violaba su derecho a gozar de su cultura conforme al artículo 27 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos (PIDCP).

A permit was granted by the Central Forestry Board to a private company to quarry stone from the Etela-Riutusvaara mountain. Indigenous members of the Muotkatunturi Herdsmen's Committee asserted that the quarrying of the stone and its transportation through their reindeer herding territory would violate their right to enjoy their culture under Article 27 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).