العمل العالمي للشيخوخة

GAA accomplishes its goals through:

  • Advocating for social pensions (a non-contributory stipend) for older persons in poor countries, including the right to Identity (card.) GAA advocates with religious and humanitarian and policy groups to support such pensions with funding and tech support.
  • Protecting  older persons caught in armed conflict. 
  • Pressing for awareness, guidelines, and implementation of meeting needs of some elders due to physical losses of mobility, hearing, vision, as well as elimination prejudice against the old.
  • Assuring UN data that is disaggregated by age and sex.  Without such dissagregated data it is very difficult to measure how policies offect older persons (women). 
  • Pressing the UNDP to carry forward data literacy  programs 
  • Asking rich countries to support more sophisticated enumeration census in poor countries.

Global Action on Aging is in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Commission and is accredited to the UN Department for Public Information.

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