مؤسسة حقوق الإنسان والديمقراطية

FOHRD seeks to spread democratic values and principles as well as promote the protection and respect for Social, Economic Rights. As a research, training and advocacy NGO, FOHRD promotes economic and social justice and combats poverty and all its principal dimensions, HIV/AIDs and works toward peace-building and development issues.

FOHRD is a peace building, not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental, impartial and independent organization promoting and protecting human rights as well as spreading democratic values and principles in Liberia.

Under its Peace and Justice Program, FOHRD has undertaken to bring into focus and build linkages between: human rights and HIV/AIDS; human rights and violence (war)/ proliferation of small arms; and human rights and peace building.

الفريق العامل أو الفرق العاملة / المجال الخاص أو المجالات الخاصة بمستويات العمل: 