مواطنون من أجل العدالة

The organization's core mission is to speak with and for the poor and the voiceless so that they are part of development processes as CFJ premiers in research, advocacy and lobbying from a rights perspective in promoting good governance, environmental, social and economic justice in Malawi.


CFJ envisions an empowered Malawian society in which individuals and communities have secure access to information, justice and sustainable livelihoods. We are specifically committed to working with and on behalf of the marginalised.


  • To ensure that the government adheres to the rule of law, separation of powers and transparency
  • To provide Malawians with relevant information on their human and constitutional rights
  • To promote and preserve the rights of vulnerable and marginalised people
  • To promote networking and collaboration with stakeholders so as to contribute to the body of knowledge on community empowerment
  • To empower vulnerable groups in attaining sustainable livelihoods through programs on poverty alleviation, environmental protection, and socio-economic development
  • To empower the citizenry to respond to elements of corporate abuse

الفريق العامل أو الفرق العاملة / المجال الخاص أو المجالات الخاصة بمستويات العمل: 