الحقوق الغذائية

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The communication alleged that the military government of Nigeria was guilty of, amongst other things, violations of the right to health, the right to dispose of wealth and natural resources, the right to a clean environment and family rights, due to its condoning and facilitating the operations of oil corporations in Ogoniland.  

Starvation deaths had occurred in the state of Rajasthan, despite excess grain being kept for official times of famine, and various schemes throughout India for food distribution were also not functioning. In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) petitioned the court for enforcement of both the food schemes and the Famine Code, a code permitting the release of grain stocks in times of famine. They grounded their arguments on the right to food, deriving it from the right to life.

La Comunidad Yakye Axa, comunidad indígena paraguaya perteneciente al pueblo Lengua Enxet Sur, denunció al Paraguay ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) por la omisión estatal de reconocerle la propiedad sobre su territorio ancestral. Ante la imposibilidad de ser resuelto en el ámbito de la Comisión, ésta remitió la denuncia a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.