الحق في العمل

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The case was presented by the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) to the Constitutional Court in light of the non-enforcement of a previous decision that established guidelines against sexual harassment at the work place in India: Vishaka vs.

Georgina Ahamefule comenzó a trabajar en el Centro Médico “Imperial”  como enfermera auxiliar en 1989. En 1995, estando embarazada,  le aparecieron unos forúnculos en la piel y solicitó atención médica a su jefe, Dr.

Georgina Ahamefule began working at the Imperial Medical Center as an auxiliary nurse in 1989. In 1995, while she was pregnant, she developed boils on her skin and sought medical attention from her employer Dr. Alex Molukwu, who conducted medical examinations and diagnostic tests without disclosing to her the nature and the outcome of the tests. Georgina tested positive for HIV and her employment contract was promptly terminated.

El empleador de R.K.B. la acusó de tener relaciones sexuales con un compañero de trabajo y la despidió, pero no despidió al compañero involucrado, amenazándola con “difundir rumores sobre sus relaciones con otros hombres” para presionarla y  que firmara un documento en el que afirmaba que le habían pagado todos los beneficios en el momento del despido. R.K.B.

R.K.B.’s employer accused her of having an affair with a male colleague and dismissed her from the position but did not dismiss the male colleague, and threatened to “spread rumours about her relationships with other men” to pressure her to sign a document, attesting that she had been paid all her benefits upon termination. R.K.B. presented a claim to the Committee, alleging that her employer, a hairdressing salon, had unfairly terminated her contract of employment based on gender stereotypes.

La petición fue presentada por abogados de la organización nepalesa Pro Public a fin de proteger los derechos internacionales y constitucionales de miles de mujeres que trabajan en los llamados "cabin and dance restaurants" y salones de masajes. Estos establecimientos han crecido durante los últimos diez años y ahora  se encuentran en todas las zonas urbanas de Nepal. s Más del 80% de sus empleados son mujeres.

The petition was presented by advocates of the Nepalese organization, Pro Public, to protect the international and constitutional rights of thousands of women employees working in cabin and dance restaurants and massage parlors. These businesses have spread throughout urban areas in Nepal over the last ten years with women compromising more than 80% of all employees.

The state of Punjab enacted a law to prevent rickshaw pullers from being exploited by middlemen. It created a program whereby rickshaw pullers would be given an interest-free loan to buy their own rickshaws, and the state issued licenses to the owners to make sure the law was enforced.  Only the owners could pull the newly purchased rickshaws, and licenses would not be issued or would be revoked if the state learned that someone else was pulling the rickshaw.

The claimants filed a tutela action against several state institutions alleging failure to comply with their mission of protecting displaced persons and to effectively respond to the displaced’s requests related to housing, access to production projects, health care, education and humanitarian aid.

El Estado de Maharashta y el Consejo Municipal de Bombay decidieron en 1981 desalojar a todas las personas que habitaban en la vía pública y en villas miseria de la ciudad de Bombay. Dichas personas reclamaron que el desalojo violaría su derecho a la vida, ya que al vivir en la ciudad podían ganarse la vida, y que, en caso de que se efectuaran los desalojos, se les debía proveer un lugar donde vivir. La Corte no aceptó ordenar las reparaciones solicitadas por los demandantes, pero entendió que el derecho a una audiencia había sido violado en el momento del desalojo planeado.