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Marco Antonio Arana Zegarra filed a constitutional remedy against a ruling by Cajamarca´s Superior Court of Justice that dismissed his complaint requesting that Yanacocha´s Conga project be suspended due to the threats it posed to the right to live in an adequate and balanced environment, and on the basis of irregularities in the approval of the project’s EIA.

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Corporate Accountability

International meeting organized by CESR on Tax Policy promotes the progressive realization of ESCR

ICJ launches a report that presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an ICJ observation mission on social rights in agriculture for export in the Ica Valley, Peru

Front Line Defenders publishes a report on the current conflicts between mining companies and the defenders of the rights of peasants and indigenous people in Peru

25 grassroots leaders from 16 countries gathered between May 26-30, 2014 in Pachacámac (Peru) for a meeting of ESCR-Net’s Working Group of Social Movements and Grassroots Groups, in collaboration with the Peasant Confederation of Peru (CCP)

The campaign "A Father does not rape" try to make visible the figures of sexual violence in the family, calling against impunity and for new masculinities

Last week in Pachacámac (Peru) ESCR-Net held  an international gathering of social movements and grassroots organizations to discuss the current situation of human rights in the world, share experiences and exchange strategies for advocacy in the pursuit of social justice