Trinidad and Tobago

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On 3 June 2016, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) sent a letter to 34 presidents and prime ministers of Member States of the...

The ILO Convention 189 and recommendation 201 spells out all the protection that is needed to ensure a decent life for domestic workers. This International law if ratified by the Trinidad and Tobago government must ensure that domestic workers are brought up in line as all other workers. Firstly we...

The National Union of Domestic Employees (NUDE) of Trinidad and Tobago is campaigning to secure recognition for domestic workers as workers under the Industrial Relations Act, organizing around a Caribbean-wide...

Join ESCR-Net member The National Union of Domestic Employees (N.U.D.E.) in efforts to promote the ratification of the ILO Convetnion No. 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Trinidad and other countries in the Caribbean region.  Together with partner unions such as the Jamaica Household Workers Association and Red Thread of Guyana, N.U.D.E. aims to raise awareness among domestic workers regarding their rights and to promote the concept of Decent Work. 

Trinidad and Tobago
Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Women & ESCR
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups