United Kingdom

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Opinion: "Pandemic shakes up world’s education systems"
19 March 2020

>>  https://www.right-to-education.org/blog/pandemic-shakes-world-s-education-systems

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

These resources look at the work of ESCR-Net member Participation and Practice of Rights based in Northern Ireland (UK). 

In particular, the article attached explores the ways in which marginalised groups in Northern Ireland have employed and translated for practical use human rights...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Data and evidence can play a crucial role in advancing social justice and human rights. Yet ESCR-Net members have recognized that too often data production does not reflect the lived realities of peoples who face poverty, inequality and injustice.


Economic and social rights is a crucial area of human rights law that has long been marginalised in the UK. This is despite the fact that the rights to housing, work, an adequate standard of living, food, social security, education, water and health are central to human survival and development...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

The UK is a profoundly unequal society. This distribution of income is more unequal than the average in both the EU and the Euro area (source: Eurostat; data from 2015). The UK’s Gini coefficient is 32.4, where 0 means absolute equality and 100 means that all income is...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Oil Change International, Friends of the Earth-U.S., Sierra Club, and the WWF European Policy Office with the assistance of other NGOs collaborated to produce a report...

This report was published in 2016 as a guide for business on reporting under the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. Slavery and forced labor is an extensive problem in the United Kingdom. In 2015, NGOs campaigned for the Act to require businesses to report on what they are doing to...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

The Corporate Responsibility Coalition (CORE) collaborated with Anti-Slavery International, Unicef UK, and the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre to...