Implementación de decisiones del Comité DESC de la ONU sobre temas de vivienda en España

Miembros de los Grupos de Trabajo de Litigio Estratégico y Monitoreo están trabajando con movimientos sociales y ONG en España para apoyar sus esfuerzos por promover la implementación de los dictámenes del Comité de la ONU sobre derechos económicos, sociales y culturales (CDESC) sobre el derecho a la vivienda. Esta página contiene documentos del caso, noticias y una lista de miembros involucrados.



The Strategic Litigation Working Group (SLWG) focuses its work on two positive recommendations, issued by the UN CESCR, to protect the right to adequate housing of tenants (M.B.D.) and those facing foreclosure procedures (I.D.G.) in Spain. You will find here the main documents related to the cases:

1. I.D.G. v. Spain (Communication n. 2/2014)

2. M.B.D. v. Spain (Communication n. 5/2015)

Engaged Members and Partners

These are ESCR-Net’s members and partners, who have been engaged in the monitoring of implementation on the right to housing in Spain:

  • Amnesty International (Spain)
  • CAES (Spain)
  • CESR (International)
  • FOCO (Argentina)
  • HIC-LA (Regional)
  • Jackie Dugard (Individual member)
  • Just Fair (UK)
  • Observatori DESC (Spain)
  • PAH – Plataforma de los Afectados por Hipotecas (Spain)
  • Sindicato de Inquilinos (Spain)
  • SRAC (Canada)
  • YUCOM (Serbia)

UN Treaty Body Follow-Up

The Strategic Litigation Working Group (SLWG) has been working on strengthening implementation procedures at the UN Treaty Body System, having recently published a discussion paper on this matter.

In June 2017, the UN CESCR issued Working Methods on the Follow Up of Views, which allow for the participation of civil society organizations in the implementation process of CESCR rulings.

It is in this context that members of the SLWG and the Monitoring Working Group (MWG) are working on monitoring the implementation of cases I.D.G. and M.B.D. against Spain.