VII International Human Rights Colloquium

Strengthening Human Rights in the South
Start Date: 
Saturday, November 3, 2007 - 00:00
End Date: 
Saturday, November 10, 2007 - 00:00
Conectas Direitos Humanos and SUR – Red Universitária de Derechos Humanos
Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 3-10, 2007
The annual International Human Rights Colloquium is a forum that brings together scores of human rights activists and academics for a week each year to learn from their peers and experts in the field, obtain a fresh perspective on their work, and lay the foundation for professional alliances down the road (networking). The Colloquium creates a multiplier effect that benefits both the participants and their organizations.
The objective of the VII International Human Rights Colloquium is to strengthen the impact of human rights activists and academics work in Latin America, Africa and Asia