Standing in solidarity with the Nubian people for their right to return to their homeland

Publish Date: 
Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Egyptian Center for Civil and Legal Reform (ECCLR), a member of ESCR-Net, expressed solidarity with the demands of Nubian people who staged a peaceful march on November 19 in Egypt, demanding their right to return to their original lands, from which they were displaced more than 50 years ago. The protests were countered by Egyptian security forces who cordoned and blocked the march from reaching its destination.

Please read the press release here

Key among the demands of the Nubian community are:

  • Excluding the land in the Nubian areas from the 1.5 million-feddan reclamation project, so that they be used as areas of resettlement to build Nubian villages with essential services;
  • Giving the priority for Nubian people in Aswan Governorate to access the Toshka land under the reclamation project;
  • Implementing Article 236 of the Egyptian Constitution and creating the Higher Committee on Resettlement and Development of the Nubian Villages, and
  • Amending Decree No. 444 in conformity with the Egyptian Constitution and historical rights of Nubians as indigenous people.

For more information please visit here (in Arabic).