ESCR-Net Newsletter - November / December 2014

The Women and ESCR Working Group facilitated a regional learning dialogue and strategy exchange in Mexico City.

The NGO Coalition for the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) advocated ratification at the XXV Meeting of High Authorities on Human Rights of MERCOSUR and facilitated a meeting of the Group of Friends of the OP-ICESCR, following their joint statement to the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly.

ESCR-Net foregrounded an ESCR analysis, the role of cross-regional alliances and the centrality of social movements in international gatherings on the right to the city and development-induced displacement.

The Strategic Litigation Working Group engaged in the first meeting of thetask force created by the Kenyan Government to implement the recommendations of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in the Enderois case.

In brief

▪ Visit #UNForumWatch to join the dialogue on the UN Forum on Business & Human Rights.
▪ Niger became the 17th State Party to the OP-ICESCR, while the French Senate voted in favor of ratification.
▪ Join the monthly discussions of the ESCR-Net Monitoring Working Group.
▪ ESCR-Net is hiring a Program Facilitator for the Economic Policy and Corporate Accountability Working Groups.