Explore Membership

ESCR-Net members act together to build a global movement to make human rights and social justice a reality for all, grounded in cross-regional solidarity, mutual learning, critical analysis of common global challenges, and collective advocacy and campaigning. 

ESCR-Net is guided by core principles, including the centrality of social movements and resisting communities, regional and gender balance in leadership, feminist intersectional analysis in practice, and member-led collective action to advance all human rights. In working towards systemic change, our Common Charter for Collective Struggle provides a basis for evolving shared analysis.

ESCR-Net accepts membership applications from organizations and individuals throughout the year. 

Organizational membership is available for social movements and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Organizations eligible for membership in ESCR-Net must be formed to represent civil society for the public good, make use of human rights to advance social justice goals, be committed to contributing to collective ESCR-Net work and meet defined Membership criteria outlined below.

Individual membership is open to human rights activists, practitioners, or academics committed to contributing to collective ESCR-Net work, who meet defined Membership criteria but are not affiliated with an Organizational Member.

We do not accept applications from governmental or intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions, international financial institutions, funding agencies, profit-seeking organizations or media outlets.

Criteria for membership

To be eligible for membership in ESCR-Net, organizations or individuals must demonstrate:

  • a track record of actions to advance economic, social and cultural rights, as indivisible with all human rights, within their own country or region;

  • independence from government bodies; and. 

  • commitment to the goals and principles of ESCR-Net, as outlined above. 

Rights and responsibilities of membership

Organizational members have the right to vote on all General Assembly matters, including shaping the overall priorities and political positions of the Network. Organizational members also have the right to vote and run for the Board. All members have the right to participate in ESCR-Net’s working groups and projects, present proposals for collective action, and take part in the decision-making processes within working groups and projects. 

A key responsibility of membership is active participation: sharing and exchanging information that advances ESCR, supporting solidarity actions on behalf of fellow members, exercising voting rights, and contributing to collective advocacy and campaigning via working groups or Network-wide projects.. 

ESCR-Net does not collect dues from members, While the ESCR-Net Secretariat fundraises to support collective actions prioritized by members, ESCR-Net does not provide funding to members.

Membership process

After receiving an invitation from the ESCR-Net Secretariat to apply, prospective members must then complete an application form, which will then be reviewed by the Board and finally the general membership, before applications are approved or denied.

If you are interested in being considered as a prospective member of ESCR-Net, please send a message to membership@escr-net.org responding to the following questions: 

  • How did you learn about ESCR-Net?

  • How are you working to advance economic, social and cultural rights in your own community, country and/or region? 

  • Why do you want to become a member? How would you like to contribute to collective action through ESCR-Net? In what ways would being a member in ESCR-Net help you advance human rights relevant to your own context? 

  • The application process for membership in ESCR-Net requires at least one reference, ideally an existing member of the Network. What organization(s) might you identify to serve as a reference?  

Please note that answering these questions does not guarantee membership but helps us consider your interest.

Join the conversation

Follow us on twitter, facebook, youtube, and instagram and join our general list, to be part of the global conversation about economic, social and cultural rights.