corporate capture

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Members of the Corporate Accountability Working Group, and in particular those engaged with the Project Advisory Group on Corporate Capture, have collectively worked with...

"It is we the people who have the power to stop corporate capture, and we have to—we have no choice." - Bobby Ramakant

>> Brief summary of ESCR-Net's virtual launching event for our comic series

"The Power of the 99% to...

* Following discussions within ESCR-Net’s membership on climate and environmental justice and human rights in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, multiple members co-authored short articles in this context, including the following piece which was originally published on...

ESCR-Net members have increasingly been using the term “corporate capture” to refer to the means by which an economic elite undermine the realization of human rights and the environment by exerting undue influence over domestic and international decision-makers and public institutions.


The government of Uzbekistan has partnered with Indorama Kokand Textile, a cotton processing corporation, to export cotton that stems from coercion of local fammers, as well as land and property seizures without compensation. The income of the sales from the cotton under Indorama are then...