Access to Justice

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With this letter, addressed to the President of Guatemala and the presidents of the Constitutional Court and the Congress of the Republic, we demand to guarantee the transition of power in the country and to end the instrumentalization of the judicial power to undermine democracy. ...

Over the past two years, dozens of ESCR-Net members engaged in cross-network discussions to develop the analytical report “Building sustainable peace. Transforming conflict-affected situations for women.” The report argues that in dealing with conflict-affected situations, it is vital to adopt an intersectional feminist approach via a human rights framework, and provides seven lessons and principles to guide the work in the field.

Statement: "Defending rights during a pandemic: Impact of Covid-19 on the safety and work of human rights defenders"
17 April 2020

>> ...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Latinoamérica y COVID-19: ¿Cómo queda la justicia? | Ciclo de conversaciones virtuales sobre la respuesta de los sistemas de justicia frente a la emergencia


In the face of potential COVID-19 outbreak in the Gaza Strip, Israel is obliged to take measures to save lives, permitting the entry of medical equipment and supplies, to meet patients’ needs:


Arab Joint List, Adalah turn again to Supreme Court, demanding halt to Shin Bet’s invasive surveillance of citizens in struggle against coronavirus:

Israel fails to...