Enforcement/Implementation of ESCR

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The plaintiff filed an injunction aimed at guaranteeing the right of a 12 year-old girl to her mental health, among other rights. The girl became pregnant in early 2011 and started presenting symptoms of anxiety and depression, as diagnosed by different physicians, who recommended the interruption of her pregnancy.

La demandante interpuso una orden de interdicto o tutela dirigida a garantizar el derecho de una menor de 12 años a su salud mental, entre otros derechos. La menor quedó embarazada a principios de 2011 y empezó a presentar síntomas de ansiedad y depresión, según el diagnóstico de varios médicos que recomendaron la interrupción del embarazo.

Alyne Pimentel, una mujer afrobrasileña, murió a los 28 años como consecuencia de complicaciones relacionadas con un embarazo después de que un centro de salud de Rio de Janeiro no le proporcionara acceso adecuado y oportuno a tratamiento obstétrico de emergencia. La muerte de Pimentel hubiera podido ser impedida si el centro de salud le hubiera diagnosticado y tratado correctamente por muerte fetal intrauterina.

Alyne Pimentel, an Afro-Brazilian woman, died at 28 years old of complications resulting from her pregnancy, after a health center in Rio de Janeiro failed to provide for appropriate and timely access to emergency obstetric care. Pimentel's death could have been prevented, if the health center had correctly diagnosed and treated her for intrauterine fetal death. Pimentel's death is not an isolated case.

El peticionante es una asociación que representa a más de 150 organizaciones que proveen asistencia a niños de la provincia de Western Cape que padecen discapacidades intelectuales graves y profundas. En esa región, la única educación disponible para estos niños es provista por "Centros de Educación Especial" operados por organizaciones no gubernamentales. La cantidad de Centros de Educación Especial no es suficiente y los niños que no pueden asistir a esos centros no tienen ninguna alternativa.

The applicant is a body that represents over 150 member organizations that provide care for children living in the Western Cape who have severe and profound intellectual disabilities. In the Western Cape, the only available education for children who are severely and profoundly intellectually disabled occurs at "Special Care Centers" operated by non-governmental organizations. There are an insufficient number of such Special Care Centers and the children who are not able to obtain care at these centers receive no care at all.

The South African Constitutional Court was asked to decide whether tenants of a block of flats were entitled to notice before the municipal electricity utility, City Power, disconnected their supply. The tenants paid for their electricity to the owner of the property, and despite their regular payment, the owner allowed substantial arrears to run up on the account, and City Power disconnected the property, giving the owner, but not the tenants, notice.

The case was brought by two women who had borrowed minimal sums of money (about 27 and 35 US dollars respectively), had been charged significant interest and fell behind on their payments. This led to the sale and execution of their houses. The applicants argued that legislation permitting the sale in execution of people's homes due to non-payment of trifling debts removed their security of tenure and violated their right to access to adequate housing recognized in section 26 of the Constitution. The law in question was sections 66(1)(a) and 67 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 32 of 1944.

Aproximadamente 20.000 ocupantes del asentamiento informal Joe Slovo de Ciudad del Cabo apelaron a la Corte Constitucional para que dejara sin efecto una orden de desalojo dictada por el Tribunal Superior (High Court). El desalojo había sido solicitado por los Ministerios de Vivienda Nacionales y Provinciales, y por una empresa constructora de viviendas contratada para implementar el desarrollo de viviendas para familias de bajos ingresos en el lugar donde se encontraba emplazado el asentamiento informal.

Approximately 20,000 occupiers of the Joe Slovo informal settlement in Cape Town appealed to the Constitutional Court to set aside an order for their eviction granted by the High Court. The eviction had been sought by the National and Provincial Ministers of Housing and a housing company contracted to implement a development of formal housing for low-income families at the site of the informal settlement. While the housing company tendered that they would provide temporary accommodation for the occupiers in Delft, 15 kilometres away, no permanent housing was guaranteed.