Environmental Rights

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El caso fue presentado contra el gobierno de los EEUU por Glamis Gold, una minera canadiense dedicada a la minería de metales preciosos. El área del proyecto se encontraba dentro de la Reserva del Desierto de California y de áreas designadas de especial importancia cultural, y cercana (pero no dentro) de las tierras de la reserva de la tribu quechan.

This case concerns the residents from the informal settlement of Makhaza, part of the Silvertown Project in Cape Town. The City of Cape Town had decided to upgrade the informal settlement under the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP).

A coalition of residents sent a letter of petition to the Supreme Court to challenge the Water and Power Development Authority's (WAPDA) construction of an electricity grid station in their neighborhood, on designated "green belt" property. The Court heard the matter as a human rights case, as Article 184 (3) of the Pakistan Constitution provides original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court to take up and determine any matter concerning the enforcement of fundamental rights of public importance.

The case was filed against the US government by Glamis Gold, a Canadian mining company engaged in the mining of precious metals. The project area was located within the California Desert Conservation Area, and designated areas of special cultural concern, and near, though not on, the Quechan Indian Tribe’s reservation lands.

La Corte Constitucional de Colombia revisó el caso relativo a una acción de tutela (acción de protección de derechos constitucionales) en la cual se analizaba si las actividades de la empresa minera Drummond afectaban los derechos a la vida, al medio ambiente, a la intimidad y a la salud del peticionario y su familia. El peticionario y su familia viven cerca de la mina a cielo abierto Pribbenow ubicada en La Loma, municipio El Paso del departamento de Cesar, en el Norte de Colombia.

Colombia's Constitutional Court reviewed a tutela action case (action seeking protection of constitutional rights) which looked into whether the mining operations of the company Drummond had violated the rights to life, to a healthy environment, to privacy and to health of a citizen and his family living near the Pribbenow open-pit mine, located in La Loma, municipality of El Paso, department of Cesar, in the North of Colombia.  Based in the United States, Drummond develops and processes coal in both the US and Colombia.

Individuos y comunidades de la etnia indígena Diaguita, habitantes de la cuenca alta del río Huasco, de la Región de Atacama en Chile, presentaron una acción de protección de garantías constitucionales contra Compañía Minera Nevada SpA, (subsidiaria de la empresa Canadiense Barrick Gold) y contra la Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental en Chile.

Diaguita communities and individuals living in the Huasco river's high basin, in the Atacama region of Chile, filed an action to protect constitutional rights against Compañía Minera Nevada SpA (a subsidiary of Canada-based Barrick Gold) and the Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental (Chile's government agency dealing with environmental issues).

En el año 2010 el Estado Mexicano impulsó la construcción y operación del proyecto llamado “Acueducto Independencia”, el cual pretende trasvasar desde la presa “El Novillo” (en la cuenca del Río Yaqui) alrededor de 60 millones de metros cúbicos de agua  hasta la cuenca del Río Sonora, para la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora. El proyecto consiste en la construcción de una obra de toma en la presa “El Novillo”, una estación de rebombeo, un acueducto de acero para la distribución de agua nacional y una línea de transmisión eléctrica.

In 2010, the State of Mexico promoted the construction and operation of a project called “Independencia Aqueduct”, which includes plans to carry around 60 million cubic meters of water from the “El Novillo” dam (located in the Yaqui river) to the Sonora river basin to supply water to the city of Hermosillo, Sonora.  The project includes building a water catchment system at “El Novillo”, a repumping station, a steel aqueduct to supply the national water network, and a power transmission line.  The purpose of the works is to carry the water from the Yaqui river to the city of Hermosillo, in v