Health (Right to)

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The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, together with Harm Reduction International, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, and the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs, has published a...

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network has published an infographic on harm reduction in Canada. The publication...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member
Hungary upholds Romani women’s right to equality in health institutions

In February 2016, a Romani woman gave birth a public hospital in Miskolc, north-eastern Hungary. During labour she cried out with pain and the midwife yelled at her “if you shout once more I will push the pillow into your face”. When the woman apologised, the doctor said to her “if you had shouted once more I would have called the psychiatrist to take away child away and then you wouldn’t receive Child Benefit, because anyway, you gypsies give birth only for the money!”

Right to choose and refuse sterilization reaffirmed by India

In January 2012, up to 53 women underwent a sterilization procedure in Bihar, India, at a sterilization camp managed by an NGO which had been granted accreditation by the District Health Society, apparently without following any formal, transparent process. The women had not been given any counseling regarding the potential dangers and outcomes of the sterilization procedures. They were operated on in a school rather than a hospital, in an unsanitary and unethical manner, all by a single surgeon, under torchlight on top of a school desk, and without running water or sanitary gloves.

On 27 March, 2017, the residents of the Cajamarca region of Colombia, decided by a democratic popular referendum to reject a mining project that threatens an environmentally protected rural area...

Beyond Coverage: Putting People First in Pennsylvania’s Healthcare System is a report by the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) and...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

This briefing paper provides an overview on the World Health Organization’s Framework of Engagement with non-State Actors (FENSA). It outlines the...