Life (Right to)

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Three brothers (V) lived in Switzerland from 1980 as recognised refugees. In 1987, they were expelled from Switzerland to Czechoslovakia for criminal offences. In September 1991, they illegally re-entered Switzerland.

Starvation deaths had occurred in the state of Rajasthan, despite excess grain being kept for official times of famine, and various schemes throughout India for food distribution were also not functioning. In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) petitioned the court for enforcement of both the food schemes and the Famine Code, a code permitting the release of grain stocks in times of famine. They grounded their arguments on the right to food, deriving it from the right to life.

In 1981, the State of Maharashta and the Bombay Municipal Council decided to evict all pavement and slum dwellers from the city of Bombay. The residents claimed such action would violate the right to life, since a home in the city allowed them to attain a livelihood and demanded that adequate resettlement be provided if the evictions proceeded. The Court declined to provide the remedies requested by the applicants but found that the right to a hearing had been violated at the time of the planned eviction.

FIDH claimed that France had violated the right to medical assistance (Article 13 of Revised European Social Charter) by ending the exemption of illegal immigrants, with very low incomes, from charges for medical and hospital treatment. Further, the complainant alleged the rights of children to protection (Article 17) were contravened by a 2002 legislative reform that restricted access to medical services for children of illegal immigrants. The Committee found that France had acted contrary to the rights of children, but not adults.

A large number of residents of basties (informal settlements) of Dhaka City were evicted without notice and their homes were demolished with bulldozers. A case, challenging the ongoing evictions, was brought by two residents and three citizens in the public interest. The Supreme Court held that inhabitants had some rights to shelter and a fair hearing and made recommendations for resettlement.

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) recibió una petición contra el Estado de Brasil a favor de los indígenas Yanomami a raíz de la construcción de una carretera y del otorgamiento de permisos de explotación minera en territorio indígena.

Un grupo de ciudadanos viviendo con VIH/SIDA interpusieron una acción de amparo contra el Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social (MSAS) a causa de la negativa de aquel ente de entregarles los medicamentos necesarios para el tratamiento que les había sido prescripto (triple terapia). Los demandantes no disfrutaban de ningún servicio de seguridad social, ni poseían capacidad económica para adquirir los medicamentos prescritos.

La Comunidad Yakye Axa, comunidad indígena paraguaya perteneciente al pueblo Lengua Enxet Sur, denunció al Paraguay ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) por la omisión estatal de reconocerle la propiedad sobre su territorio ancestral. Ante la imposibilidad de ser resuelto en el ámbito de la Comisión, ésta remitió la denuncia a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.