Economic Policy / Activities and Actions

Read this joint submission on the human rights implications of the financial crisis and subsequent domestic policy responses in the USA. In particular, it focuses on the human rights obligation to protect and fulfill economic and social rights as well as the need for transparency, accountability and participation in the making of macroeconomic policy.

It has been more than two years now since the start of the largest financial meltdown and global economic recession in over fifty years. And yet, how have our governments responded to this crisis in such a way as to uphold people's fundamental dignity and human rights? ESCR-Net--together with AWID, CESR, Center of Concern and the Center for Women's Global Leadership--present this joint report analyzing government responses to the crisis from a human rights perspective.

Cela fait maintenant plus de deux ans, qu'est survenue la plus grande crise financière et récession économique mondiale depuis plus de cinquante ans. Et pourtant, il reste à analyser comment nos gouvernements ont réagi à cette crise de manière à respecter la dignité fondamentale des peuples et droits de l'homme. Participer à un questionnaire portant sur les réponses de votre gouvernement face à la crise  La politique financière nous concerne tous - Votre voix doit être entendue!

 It has been more than two years now since the start of the largest financial meltdown and global economic recession in over fifty years. And yet, how have our governments responded to this crisis in such a way as to uphold peoples' fundamental dignity and human rights? Participate in this Questionnaire on Government Responses to the Crisis. Economic policy is public policy - your voice must be heard!

ESCR-Net-together with 15 key partners-is building the capacity of human rights advocates to effectively influence economic policy-making on trade, investment, and finance, strategically use their resources to influence this policy-making, and strengthen their collaboration with diverse groups worldwide already working on trade, investment and financial policy issues.

ESCR-Net-together with 15 key partners-is building the capacity of human rights advocates to effectively influence economic policy-making on trade, investment, and finance, strategically use their resources to influence this policy-making, and strengthen their collaboration with diverse groups worldwide already working on trade, investment and financial policy issues.