تحالف الاحتياجات البشرية وحقوق الإنسان

Heartland Alliance advances the human rights and responds to the human needs of endangered populations- particularly the poor, the isolated, and the displaced- through the provision of comprehensive and respectful services and the promotion of permanent solutions leading to a more just global society.


Heartland Alliance's work spans across four key areas, providing comprehensive programs that help those most threatened by poverty or danger improve their lives. These areas include:

  1. Housing- They build and advocate for safe, high-quality housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness, poverty, or chronic illness.
  2. Health Care- They work to ensure comprehensive health care (medical, dental, mental health, and substance use treatment) is fully available to people experiencing poverty or trauma.
  3. Economic Security- They help people threatened by poverty build the skills and gain the tools to improve their well-being and enjoy the success of reaching their goals.
  4. Legal Protections- They provide legal protection for people in danger, including refugees, vulnerable migrants, and others fleeing violent situations at home and abroad.
الفريق العامل أو الفرق العاملة / المجال الخاص أو المجالات الخاصة بمستويات العمل: