إنفاذ الشبكة العالمية للحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية

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Poco después de que el demandante, Jamie Sinnott, naciera en 1977, los médicos descubrieron que padecía de un autismo severo. Durante los siguientes 22 años de su vida, su madre intentó proporcionar a su hijo habilidades básicas de habla, idioma y destrezas motoras, así como uso de los inodoros. Por desgracia, descubrió que las pocas instituciones para niños con graves discapacidades físicas y mentales en Cork, Irlanda no podían atender las continuas necesidades de educación de su hijo autista.

Shortly after the plaintiff, Jamie Sinnott, was born in 1977, doctors discovered he was severely autistic.  For the next 22 years of his life, his mother attempted to provide her son with basic speech, language, and motor skills, as well as toilet-training.  Unfortunately, she discovered that the few institutions for children with severely physically and mentally disabilities in Cork, Ireland did not meet the continuous education needs of her autistic child. In 1997, Mrs.

El caso fue presentado por Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) ante la Corte Constitucional debido a que no se cumplía una sentencia previa que establecía directrices contra el acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo en la India: Vishaka c./ State of Rajasthan (6SCC 241, 1997). En su decisión de 2012, la Corte Suprema de la India repitió las directrices Vishaka que había emitido en 1997, destacando que se debían tomar

The case was presented by the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) to the Constitutional Court in light of the non-enforcement of a previous decision that established guidelines against sexual harassment at the work place in India: Vishaka vs.

In 2003, four year old Jeremiah Cronin, diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity and autism, was assessed as needing a 32-hour-per-week intensive home-based program to meet his special needs while awaiting placement in Cork CABAS School.  His mother instituted an action for injunctive relief directing the Minister for Education (“the Minister”) to provide such home-based tuition for 29 hours per week during the child’s pre-school phase.  She claimed that her son was entitled to a free primary education under the Irish Constitution, relying on the Irish Supreme Court’s reference to uph

En septiembre de 2011, los residentes del Asentamiento Informal Langaville (compuesto por más de mil quinientas familias y cuatro mil seiscientos residentes) representados por el Socio-Economic Rights Institute (SERI), pidieron una orden, que requiriera a la Municipalidad Metropolitana Ekurhelini proporcionar acceso suficiente al agua y servicios de saneamiento básico.

Este caso del Tribunal Supremo fue iniciado con el apoyo de Hakijamii, una organización de derechos humanos con sede en Nairobi que es miembro de la Red-DESC desde 2005. El caso surgió de un pedido de más de mil personas desalojadas de sus hogares ubicados en seis comunidades conocidas comúnmente como Medina, municipalidad de Garissa.

In September 2011, the residents of Langaville Informal Settlement (comprised of more than one thousand and five hundred households and four thousand and six hundred residents) represented by the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), requested an order directing the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to provide sufficient access to water and basic sanitation recognized in the Constitution of South Africa, through the Water Services Act, Regulation 3 of the Regulations Relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water (GN R509 in GG 22355 of 8 June

This High Court case was brought with the support of Hakijamii, a human rights organization based in Nairobi that has been a member of ESCR-Net since 2005; and stemmed from the request of more than 1,000 individuals, evicted from their homes located in six communities commonly known as the Medina Location of Garissa municipality.