
Solapas principales


On May 14, 1990, Gregoria López Ostra filed a report before the European Commission on Human Rights against the Spanish State. She claimed that the State’s failure to take any measures against the smell, noise and contaminating smokes originated in a solid and liquid waste treatment plant located a few meters away from her home violated her rights to physical integrity (Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights) and to respect for the home and private life (Article 8 of the Convention).

In 1998, the Aboriginal Communities Association Lhaka Honat filed an action with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) against the State of Argentina. The communities living in Salta province denounced violations of their right to ancestral land, to cultural integrity and to a safe environment, following the State’s decision to build an international bridge and carry out an urban development plan in their territory, which would significantly alter their way of life.

La presentación denunció que el gobierno militar de Nigeria era responsable de, entre otras cosas, violaciones del derecho a la salud, el derecho a disponer de la riqueza y los recursos naturales, el derecho a un medio ambiente limpio y los derechos de familia, debido a que condonaba y facilitaba las operaciones de empresas petroleras en tierras del pueblo ogoni.  

The Ombudsman filed a protection action against the Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sociedad Occidental de Colombia Inc. on behalf of the U'wa People, seeking revocation of an oil development license granted to the said company affecting traditional indigenous land (see in this database “Defensor del Pueblo, doctor Jaime Córdoba Triviño (on behalf of several members of U'WA Indigenous Group) vs. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Occidental de Colombia, Inc. s. Acción de tutela”). The Colombian court ordered a consultation should take place within 30 days.

Una empresa privada obtuvo una licencia para extraer piedras de la montaña Etela-Riutusvaara. Miembros indígenas del Comité de Pastores Muotkatunturi denunciaron que la extracción de la piedra y su transporte a través de su territorio de pastoreo de renos violaba su derecho a gozar de su cultura conforme al artículo 27 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos (PIDCP).

El Defensor del Pueblo presentó una acción de tutela contra el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y la empresa Sociedad Occidental de Colombia Inc., en representación del Pueblo U'wa. La presentación perseguía la revocación de un permiso otorgado a la empresa demandada para la explotación de hidrocarburos en territorios tradicionales indígenas (ver en esta Base de Datos “Defensor del Pueblo, doctor Jaime Córdoba Triviño (en representación de varias personas integrantes del Grupo Etnico Indígena U'WA) c/ Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Occidental de Colombia, Inc. s. Acción de tutela”).

On April 27, 1998, oil company Arco Oriente Inc. signed an hydrocarbon development agreement with Ecuador. Although 70% of the land belonging to Federación Independiente del Pueblo Shuar del Ecuador (FIPSE) was within the area to be devoted to the project, its members were not notified of the terms of the agreement or the related environmental impact. FIPSE, in a Special Meeting of its members, decided to prohibit all individual negotiations or agreements by FIPSE Member Centers or Associations with the company. This was notified to both the State and the company.

The Yakye Axa community, a Paraguayan indigenous community belonging to the Lengua Enxet Sur people, filed a complaint with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) alleging Paraguay had failed to acknowledge its right to property over ancestral land. Given its impossibility to solve the case, the Commission referred it to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Neuquén Province's Official Defender of Minors filed a complaint with the IACHD alleging violation of children's right to the protection required by their status as minors, as well as of rights to health, a healthy environment, land ownership and effective remedy. The Official Defender had filed an amparo action to protect the health of children and youth in the Paynemil Mapuche community exposed to consumption of water contaminated with lead and mercury.

El 27 de abril de 1998, la compañía petrolera Arco Oriente Inc. firmó con Ecuador un contrato de explotación de hidrocarburos. Si bien el 70% del territorio de la Federación Independiente del Pueblo Shuar del Ecuador (FIPSE) se encontraba dentro de la superficie afectada a la explotación, sus miembros no fueron notificados del contenido del contrato ni de los efectos ambientales de la actividad.