- Facilitation of networking, information gathering and sharing among KLA members and other stakeholders through workshops, media, exchange visits and other means; generation of relevant and up to date information on land; and membership in other networks such as East Africa LandNet, International Land Coalition and hosts the ILC African node and LSNSA.Sensitization of the communities and the public on land issues
- Contribution to the national debate on land reform and generation of national land policy options.
- Contribution to constitution review process by ensuring the firm inclusion of principles and provisions on land, property, environment and natural resources in Constitution of Kenya.
- Facilitation of civil society input into Agenda 4 reform processes including the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Process; Boundaries Review Commission and the National Integration and Cohesion Commission.
- Won the Champion of democracy award from the Ford Foundation
- Supported the Endorois community in regaining their ancestral land through a court ruling and development of a Community Land Recognition Model.