News and Activities

Meeting in Sawhoyamaxa land 

Representatives of the Sarayaku people (Ecuador), Dejusticia (Colombia), and Fundación Pachamama (Ecuador), with the...

Over the last decade, the legal opportunities for claiming economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights have greatly increased in many parts of Africa. This can be seen in the growing use of litigation strategies amongst civil society, increased legal mobilisation of...

On July 28, 2015, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) and Dejusticia presented an amicus...

The Endorois Welfare Council (EWC) and ESCR-Net’s Strategic Litigation Working Group, with the lead of Dejusticia and Minority Rights Group International, organized a new meeting in Nakuru (Kenya) on July 4-5, 2015, bringing together more than 30 community members,...

The Strategic Litigation Working Group met in Geneva to define priorities for the next two years

Several ESCR-Net members joined a first meeting of the Task Force created by the Kenyan government to address the ACHPR’s ruling on the Endorois case

ESCR-Net members explore new regional mechanisms for ruling and assuring dialogue between the Kenyan government and the community

Minority Rights Group International welcomes the adoption by the World Heritage Committee of a decision requiring the government of Kenya to ‘ensure full and effective participation of the Enderois in the management of Lake Bogoria through their own representative institutions'

Thanks to the advocacy actions of TierraViva, Dejusticia and others, on May 21 the Paraguayan House of Representatives approved a law for the restitution of the Sawhoyamaxa lands.

Minority Rights Group International (MRG) and Endorois Welfare Council (EWC) condemns the use of excessive force by the Kenyan police against the Endorois community in the Mochongoi Forest, Marigat, Baringo County.

On January 13, 2014 and January 15-16, 2014, Koshish–National Mental Health Self Help Organization, the National Federation of the Disabled Nepal, Pro Public and the International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights organized two workshops on the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Representatives of the Sarayaku people (Ecuador), Dejusticia (Colombia), and Fundación Pachamama (Ecuador) , with the support of ESCR-Net, came together at meetings organized by the Enxet-Sanapaná people together with Tierraviva (Paraguay) on September 26-27.  The discussions focused on enforcing decisions by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).