Explore our analysis of the global conditions and historical trajectories undermining human rights and imperiling the planet. This analysis, guided by resisting communities worldwide, is integral to defining demands, strategies, and inclusive visions that can advance social justice and drive systemic change.
The Common Charter for Collective Struggle outlines conditions threatening communities in every region and then articulates points of unity between diverse struggles committed to building collective power. These conditions include dispossession and impoverishment amid abundance, increasing inequality, climate change, corporate capture of democratic processes and institutions, and growing repression. The Common Charter was initially drafted by social movement members and then affirmed by the full Network, reinforcing the leadership of social movements and resisting communities in shaping Network-wide analysis and driving our collective action to transform unjust economic and political structures.
As the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic and interconnected crises became increasingly apparent, ESCR-Net members engaged in a series of discussions across working groups to analyze the implications of the pandemic. These discussions ultimately informed a Network-wide Global Call to Action in Response to COVID-19 (1 May 2020) as a collective response outlining inclusive and systemic demands for a just recovery and a just transition requiring transformative actions towards a “new normal” rooted in human and environmental rights.