تحالف جو سمبر العالمي

The mission of The Jus Semper Global Alliance is to contribute to global social justice by creating, at the micro-level, the ethos necessary to make all stakeholders of the global market system work to achieve equal terms of participation, so that all participants have the same opportunities to live a dignified life and benefit from a new and sustainable economic paradigm.

To achieve social justice in the world, where everyone enjoys true equal access to the opportunities to participate and equal treatment in their participation.

  • Inequality is Never a Choice While Coexistence is
  • Wealth Redistribution is the Key to Social Justice and Sustainability
  • Comparative Gains in Labour Costs Must be Balanced with Comparative Gains in Social Justice
  • A Living Wage is an Essential Human Right
الفريق العامل أو الفرق العاملة / المجال الخاص أو المجالات الخاصة بمستويات العمل: