المواطن والديمقراطية والمساءلة

Občan, demokracia a zodpovednosť (CDA), The Citizen, Democracy and Accountability, is a human rights non-governmental organisation with more than twenty years of practical experience. We promote the values of justice, human dignity and non-discrimination. Our aim is to strengthen responsibility, legal awareness and a dialogue of partners.


  • to promote fair conditions for the exercise of rights and responsibility for all
  • to strengthen the responsibility of individuals – for themselves, their communities and the entire society
  • to develop civic skills and legal awareness of individuals
  • to encourage individuals to bear their share of responsibility for the supervision of public authorities and active participation in their decision-making
  • to participate in creating room for a dialogue between civil society and public authorities in order to ensure the balance of powers
  • to enhance accountability of public authorities towards the public and individuals for good governance in the country and for compliance with, and active enforcement of, human rights
الفريق العامل أو الفرق العاملة / المجال الخاص أو المجالات الخاصة بمستويات العمل: 