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On 3 June 2016, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) sent a letter to 34 presidents and prime ministers of Member States of the...

MiningWatch Canada and the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group released a report  that squarely links Canadian mining interests throughout the Americas with...

The last two months were marked by discussions held before the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) on the indivisibility of human rights, as well as on the positive obligations of States in relation to civil rights, such as the right to life. Such discussions will...

The ESCR-Net Strategic Litigation Working Group joined Canadian organizations in highlighting the United Nations Human Rights Committee's concluding observations in relation to Canada.  The Human Rights Committee expressed serious concerns about new human rights...

ESCR-Net have developed a Scoping Report highlighting six cases of corporate capture in different industries and across different regions.  The Scoping Report is a preliminary...

Written Submission for the General Discussion on the Preparation for a General Comment on Article 6 (Right to Life) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

In its ...

The Global Initiative for ESCR successfully intervened with a Parallel Report laying out the extra-territorial obligations under the ICCPR

Report from MiningWatch Canada and the United Steelworkers concludes that Canadian diplomats in Mexico were complicit in Toronto-based Excellon Resources Inc.’s efforts to avoid redressing a violated land use contract

Amnesty International and ESCR-Net expressed dismay at the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal in the case of Tanudjaja v. Canada and Ontario

MiningWatch Canada highlights on the growing number of communities saying no to large scale mining in defense of their lands and wellbeing