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Position paper by the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum regarding serious human rights and environmental concerns about planned mega-city, Zulfiqarabad.

On April 27, 20120 ESCR-Net sent a letter to the Government of Pakistan to express regarding the imminent forcible eviction of 65 families, some 450 people, living on the sidelines of Shahpur dam, Attock district, Province of Punjab, and warned that the forcible displacement of the fisher folk families poses grave threats to their ability to realize their human right to water, health, adequate housing and an adequate standard of living, among a range of human rights.

On 26 March, 2012, ESCR-Net sent a letter to the Government of Pakistan to express concern regarding the ongoing acts of violence and threats against leaders of ESCR-Net member, Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), including the recent raid of the home of the Chairman of the PFF, the abduction of several PFF leaders last July, the assassination of two PFF leaders in May and the ongoing threats and harassment against leaders of the PFF and the filing of baseless criminal charges (FIRs) against PFF leaders and members in recent months.

During the last several weeks ESCR-Net has stood in solidarity with our member organization Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) who have mobilized in response to the clearing of mangroves and associated land grabbing activities.  The PFF has recently compiled a report documenting their struggle to defend their lands, their liveihoods and their lives that ESCR-Net is proud to share here.

On 1 June, 2011, the International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights sent a letter to senior members of the government of Pakistan to express concern regarding ongoing threats and acts of violence against leaders of ESCR-Net member Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) who have mobilized in response to the clearing of mangroves and associated land grabbing activities.

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Women & ESCR
Corporate Accountability
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups