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ICJ launches a report that presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an ICJ observation mission on social rights in agriculture for export in the Ica Valley, Peru

Front Line Defenders publishes a report on the current conflicts between mining companies and the defenders of the rights of peasants and indigenous people in Peru

25 grassroots leaders from 16 countries gathered between May 26-30, 2014 in Pachacámac (Peru) for a meeting of ESCR-Net’s Working Group of Social Movements and Grassroots Groups, in collaboration with the Peasant Confederation of Peru (CCP)

The campaign "A Father does not rape" try to make visible the figures of sexual violence in the family, calling against impunity and for new masculinities

Last week in Pachacámac (Peru) ESCR-Net held  an international gathering of social movements and grassroots organizations to discuss the current situation of human rights in the world, share experiences and exchange strategies for advocacy in the pursuit of social justice

The Coordinadora de Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas (Coordinator of Andean Organizations), member of ESCR-Net’s Social Movement Working Group, celebrates a new executive council.


On March 3, 2010, EarthRights International (ERI) argued to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the landmark environmental and public health case brought by indigenous Peruvian Achuar and the U.S. NGO Amazon Watch against Los Angeles-based oil giant Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), Maynas Carijano v. Occidental Petroleum, should be litigated in Los Angeles, where Oxy is headquartered.

Indigenous Achuar From the Peruvian Amazon Face Off
Against Occidental Petroleum Over Destruction of Pristine Rainforest

(Los Angeles, CA) - A key hearing was held yesterday in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the landmark environmental and public health case brought by indigenous Peruvian Achuar and the U.S. NGO Amazon Watch against Los Angeles-based oil giant Occidental Petroleum (OXY). The appeals court's decision will likely determine whether OXY will have to defend its 30 year-old legacy of massive pollution in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon in a courtroom in Los Angeles, just miles from its world headquarters, or whether the case will move to Peru.