Derechos de la infancia

Solapas principales


A mentally disabled woman with three children sought to set aside an eviction order from the family home obtained by her former husband. In making the eviction order, the magistrate found that the man was the registered owner of the property and the former wife and the children occupied the home after he had withdrawn his consent. The magistrate acknowledged the woman’s disability, but found that the former wife had suitable alternative accommodation available because she could move back in with her relatives (which she denied).

Este caso aborda la dramática situación de hasta 100.000 niños (conocidos como talibés), que, mientras asisten a las escuelas coránicas (daaras) en Senegal, son forzados por algunos maestros a practicar la mendicidad en la calle para procurar su propia supervivencia y enriquecer a sus profesores. Los menores viven lejos de sus familias, a menudo en condiciones deplorables, y son sometidos a brutales agresiones físicas, desnutrición, enfermedades, abusos sexuales y otros malos tratos. La mendicidad forzada les impide el acceso a una educación adecuada.

This case addresses the plight of as many as 100,000 children (known as talibés), who while attending Qur’anicschools (daaras) in Senegal, are forced by some instructors to beg in the streets, to secure their own survival and enrich the teachers. The children live away from their families, often in deplorable conditions, and are exposed to brutal physical assaults, malnutrition, illness, sexual abuse, and several other vulnerabilities. The forced begging leaves no time for a proper education.

El 5 de mayo de 2011, Irene Nanteza llegó al hospital de Nakaseke acompañada de su marido. A pesar de que una enfermera confirmó indicios de que el trabajo de parto estaba obstruido y llamó al médico de guardia, este último no llegó hasta que Nanteza ya había cumplido unas 8 horas de trabajo de parto. La paciente falleció por una hemorragia y ruptura del útero.

On May 5, 2011, Irene Nanteza arrived at Nakaseke Hospital with her husband. Although a nurse confirmed the signs of obstructed labor and called the doctor on duty, the doctor did not arrive until Nanteza had been in labor for about 8 hours. The patient died of a hemorrhage and ruptured uterus. Despite the hospital administrator’s awareness of Nanteza’s condition and the doctor’s absence prior to her death, the Court noted that it was not shown that he made any effort to transfer her to another hospital.

En 1991, las Filipinas delegaron la responsabilidad por “la salud y seguridad del pueblo” al nivel local. En ejercicio de estas facultades, en el año 2000 en Manila se pronunció el decreto 003 (“D 003”), en el cual se declaró que la ciudad adoptaría “una posición afirmativa respecto de los temas pro-vida”.

In 1991, the Philippines delegated responsibility for “people’s health and safety” to the local level. In exercise of this power, an executive order 003 (“EO 003”) was issued in Manila, in 2000 which declared that the city would take an “affirmative stand on pro-life issues”. In response to a joint submission from NGOs in 2008, the UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Committee) conducted an inquiry into alleged human rights violations resulting from the enforcement of EO 003.  

In 2006, Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), an organization member of the ESCR-Net, filed an amparo action against the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. The purpose of the action was to have the Court order the Government to comply with its existing constitutional obligation to ensure and finance access to early education. The case centered on violations of the right to education and to equality, as well as the principle of personal autonomy.

En 2006, la Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), organización miembro de la Red DESC, promovió una acción de amparo contra el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. El objeto de la acción fue lograr que se ordenara al Gobierno cumplir con su obligación constitucional de asegurar y financiar el acceso a la educación inicial, al estar afectados el derecho a la educación y a la igualdad, y el principio de autonomía personal.

The Xákmok Kásek indigenous community, who has originally lived in the Paraguayan Chaco area, filed a petition before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights requesting acknowledgement of their traditional territory. Paraguay sold and split up the land without taking into consideration the indigenous population. The Salazar ranch was founded in the land that had been the home of the Xákmok Kásek community for years.  The community’s ability to survive and to develop its way of life was restricted, and the State failed to fulfill its duty to guarantee the community’s territorial rights.