
From 1-3 September 2020, ESCR-Net’s Networkwide Project on Environment & ESCR and Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA) co-hosted a strategy meeting...

This August, several ESCR-Net members of the Strategic Litigation Working Group submitted an amicus curiae brief (in English) at the Court of Appeal of Uganda concerning the right to food in the context of the COVID-19...

In Lhaka Honhat v. Argentina, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights held that Argentina violated its obligations under Article 1.1 of the American...

The pursuit of ending corporate impunity continues to progress through the second draft of a legally binding instrument, but a strengthening of collective resolve remains essential to its urgent realization.  Only through meaningful participation of States, civil society and


Following discussions within ESCR-Net’s membership on climate and environmental justice and human rights in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, multiple members co-authored short articles in this context, including the following piece which was originally published on...

* Following discussions within ESCR-Net’s membership on climate and environmental justice and human rights in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, multiple members co-authored short articles in this context, including the following piece which was originally published on...

UPDATED: On 9 March 2021, ESCR-Net sent a follow up letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders regarding the ongoing criminalization and harassment of indigenous human rights...

ESCR-Net members denounce systemic racism and police brutality affecting Black Lives


ESCR-Net members, many of whom themselves have suffered racist violence in their own contexts, have expressed their outrage and solidarity with the anti-racist protests in the US and...

Community-led monitoring Series: Interview with Channsita Mark, coordinator of the Workers' Information Center (Cambodia)

We truly believe in this empowered approach for workers to challenge themselves within status quo, and bring them to another stage to show up and


Update: On June 17, 2020, the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in Mexico ruled unanimously that the statistics bureau, INEGI, must indeed include informal settlements officially in the census. The...