
ESCR-Net condemns violence against demonstrators in Colombia and calls on the State to respect human rights.

On April 28, 2021, various sectors of Colombian society took to the streets to protest proposed tax increases on basic needs, fuel and public services. These...

ESCR-Net – International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – a global network connecting over 280 nongovernmental organizations, social movements and advocates across more than 75 countries – submitted an...

The Monitoring Working Group has been working on a collective position on data and ESCR to challenge dominant narratives about what types of data count in public decision-making. 

Data is vital for the...

"The climate crisis is the greatest threat that humanity faces, affecting the enjoyment of all human rights. The solution to this crisis involves changing all systems globally which requires complex, systemic and profound actions. The climate crisis brings together and

"It is we the people who have the power to stop corporate capture, and we have to—we have no choice." - Bobby Ramakant

>> Brief summary of ESCR-Net's virtual launching event for our comic series

"The Power of the 99% to...

On December 2020, the Networkwide Project on Environment & ESCR has released a mapping report: On Climate Justice and Human Rights: Reflections from ESCR-Net members.  This report synthesizes the evolving analysis of ESCR-Net members at the intersection of...

On 22 March 2021, ESCR-Net sent a collective letter to the government of the Philippines regarding the recent arrests and killings of human rights defenders in the country. You can read the letter ...


The world is facing one of its most daunting challenges - a pandemic that has intensified social, political, economic and environmental crises in almost every context, increasing inequality, facilitating continued inaction on climate change, and imperiling human rights...

In November 2020, for the first time ever over 450 public development banks (PDBs) came together for the Finance in Common Summit to discuss their post-COVID19 recovery plans. Hosted by France, the Summit took place amid deepening public...

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, amid the inequalities intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and government responses often captured by corporate interests and political elites, women across the world are demanding economic alternatives that center the integrity of peoples and...