
Created in 1999, the Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA/CHRE’s) is a non-profit organization which aims to build a more harmonious relationship between the environment and people. Our work centers on promoting greater access to justice and guarantee human rights for victims of environmental degradation, or due to non-sustainable management of natural resources, and to prevent future violations. To this end, CEDHA fosters the creation of inclusive public policy that promotes inclusive socially and environmentally sustainable development, through community participation, public interest litigation, strengthening democratic institutions, and the capacity building of key actors.

Thematically, CEDHA focuses on participation in and access to information, corporate accountability in human rights, international financial institutions, the international financing of mining, the human right to water, climate change and human rights, and the case of the Peruvian city of La Oroya, in which CEDHA is representing the case of a group of citizens affected by excessive environmental pollution.