
The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) is a civil society organization that protects human rights and aspires for social change based on the values of democracy, anti-fascism, non-violence, peacebuilding, solidarity and equality, using activism, education, research, advocacy and direct support. CPS works with initiatives, organizations, media, institutions, individuals, and communities in Croatia and internationally. CPS’ vision is a solidary, open and non-violent society whose institutions enable peace, social security, political and economic equality, and the freedom of all people. To achieve its mission, CPS operates through three compatible programmes: Asylum, Integration and Human Security; Peace Education and Affirmation of Non-Violence, and Combating Inequalities.

Currently, CPS runs several projects upholding ESCR, such as the RIGHTS IN PRACTICE – Participation and cooperation to quality socio-economic rights protection policy. The project aims to establish a system for monitoring socio-economic inequalities and advocating for the realization of economic and social rights by strengthening cooperation and the capacity of civil society and cross sectoral cooperation, to develop proposals for education, housing and labor policies based on international standards of economic and social rights, and to contribute to formal and non-formal education on economic and social rights through the development of curricula and materials for the implementation of the economic dimension of civic education and the implementation of the cluster Sustainable Development and Economic Justice in Peace Studies.  Also, CPS runs a project that aims to increase social and political influence of NGOs in Croatia through developing innovative methods of effective protection and promotion of human rights. This project fosters cooperation among NGOs to design new approaches and innovative models for institutional and legal advocacy, support for victims of human rights violations, public communication and mobilization of citizens. The project is rooted in partnership, participation and lessons learned.

CPS is the Croatian counterpart to ESCR-Net member, A11 Initiative.