Corporate Accountability

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Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Inclusive Development International (IDI)'s online resource, Follow the Money to Justice, is a guide for advocates working...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

ESCR-Net’s Corporate Accountability Working Group (CAWG) has made a submission jointly calling upon the United Nations’ Open-ended...

Developed thanks to the collective work of ESCR-Net Members

ESCR-Net and FIDH, who have jointly run the Treaty Initiative for two years, have launched a legal resource document for advocates and...

Developed thanks to the collective work of ESCR-Net Members

ESCR-Net’s Corporate Accountability Working Group (CAWG) has made a submission jointly calling upon the United Nations’ Open-ended Intergovernmental Working...

This publication will demonstrate the necessity and urgency of having a binding international instrument. It will allow to...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Over the course of the last years, the international debate surrounding the environmental, social and human rights responsibilities of corporations has gained momentum. Not least, growing public criticism of transnational corporations and banks has contributed to...

When the local village refused to renew the license for the military-owned sulphuric acid company due to health and environmental concerns, the factory ceased operations for one month. However, after that month, the factory resumed operations by regaining a license...

A 288-page report from the U.S. House Financial Services Committee describes why the Department of Justice was coerced by HSBC representatives not to prosecute the bank and its directors.

Read the full story...

TransCanada confirmed that it is paying Charest who has worked in some capacity from 2003 to 2012 as the Quebec Premier, further evidencing the connection between major political parties in Canada and the oil and gas industry.
