Cultural Rights

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In Lhaka Honhat v. Argentina, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights held that Argentina violated its obligations under Article 1.1 of the American...

Over the last decade, the legal opportunities for claiming economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights have greatly increased in many parts of Africa. This can be seen in the growing use of litigation strategies amongst civil society, increased legal mobilisation of...

In 2010, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights issued unprecedented recommendations on the Endorois case, including restitution of their ancestral land, compensation for all the loss suffered, and royalties for existing economic activities on their land...

March 14th is the international day of action for rivers and against dams.  ESCR-NET’s member MAB (Movement of Dam-Affected People), several other social movements and leading international organizations are taking action in over 40 countries to demand improvement in the policies and practices of decision makers in regards to dam constructions and the forcible displacement of families.