Equality and Non-discrimination

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Eighteen national and international non-governmental organizations, including ESCR- Net Members, Amnesty International, ...

The Fundación para el Desarollo de Políticas Sustentables (FUNDEPS) proposes quotas as a way to ensure that males to not have a majority in...

Ekta Parishad is preparing to launch a new campaign for poor and marginalized people called Jai Jagat 2020. “Jagat,” in Hindi, means “all people in the world”....

On 14 June 2017, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) and the Royal Danish Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, signed an agreement to secure justice...

On 9 June 2017, a law student, Stalin, was detained in India for 18 hours under suspicion of being part of a smuggling network. According to the Asian Human Rights Commission...

The United States government threatened to systematically undermine the human rights of communities in the US, and around the world, during the first week following the inauguration of President Donald Trump. In the days immediately following Trump’s election, the...

From 26 to 28 August, 2015, the Women and ESCR Working Group held an international strategy meeting to promote women's ESCR in Montevideo, Uruguay. The meeting – “Advancing Women’s ESCR: Alternative Visions of Development, Land and Property Rights”...

A newly-published CESR factsheet illustrates the role Spain’s fiscal austerity policies have played in driving poverty and inequality in the country