Land and Natural Resources

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Lok Shakti Abhiyan joined the wider leadership of the National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM) to call on...

ESCR-Net member IWRAW-AP together with Cambodian Women’s Crisis Centre and Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC), co-organized a “...

National Fisheries Solidarity Organization (NAFSO), as a member of the World Forum of Fishers and World Forum of Fishers People, representing over 20...

With business self-regulation and corporate social responsibility schemes proving to be insufficient for addressing land grabbing-related human rights issues, a ...

The African Court on Human and Peoples Rights, at its 45th session on 26 May 2017 in Arusha, has ruled in favor of the Ogiek indigenous peoples in their claim against the Kenyan government, for consistent violations and denial of their land rights. The Court held,...

On April 28, 2017, the South African Company AngloGold Ashanti issued a press release regarding the mining project “La Colosa” in the town of Cajamarca, department of Tolima, Colombia. The press release announced their decision to stop all project activities, and...

Several ESCR-Net members attended the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) for its sixteenth session in New York City between 24 April and 5 May. During that time, members came together several times to share experiences about...

Paraguayan organization Tierraviva a los Pueblos Indígenas del Chaco recently became more optimistic regarding the possibility of achieving new...