An HIV/AIDS-positive person submitted an amparo action with Peru’s Health Ministry requesting full medical care, including permanent supply of drugs and periodical testing, as well as CD4 and viral load tests. The petitioner alleged to lack enough financial resources to face the high cost of the treatment. The Court accepted the amparo action and ordered government agencies to comply with Article 8 of Law 26626, which set forth that a Plan to Fight AIDS should have top priority in the budget. The Court noted that social rights standards are not simply programmatic principles of non-immediate effectiveness, as they have been traditionally described to set them apart from immediately effective civil and political rights, since their minimal content represents an indispensable protection to enjoy civil and political rights. Consequently, social rights should be interpreted as true guarantees protecting citizens before the State within a vision seeking to revalue the judicial effectiveness of constitutional mandates and, therefore, the full force of the Constitution. The principle of progressive realization of expenses does not rule out setting reasonable timelines or the State’s obligation to take concrete and permanent actions aimed at implementing public policies.
Keywords: Azanca Alhelí Meza García, Expte. N.° 2945-2003-AA/TC, HIV/AIDS