A petition was filed with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) against the State of Guatemala alleging the kidnapping, torture and death of four minors and the murder of a fifth one in 1990, in the city of Guatemala, by members of the security forces, and the State’s failure to provide adequate judicial protection to the victims’ families. The IACHR submitted the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which found the State had been responsible for the death of the children and stressed the fundamental nature of the right to life, as enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). The Court stated that the right to life comprises not only the right of all persons to not being deprived of life arbitrarily, but also the right to having access to the conditions needed to lead a dignified life. The Court found violations of the rights to personal freedom and integrity, as well as of standards in the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Sanction Torture. The Court also concluded the State had failed to comply with its obligation to adopt special measures to protect children whose rights are under threat or violated (cf. Art. 19 ACHR), resorting to several standards in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child to define the scope of the “protection measures” mentioned in the said article. The Court ordered the State to pay damages to the victims’ families and to take the necessary measures to adjust domestic regulations to article 19 of the Convention. The Court also ordered the State to give an educational institution a name referring to the young victims, and to investigate the facts, identify and sanction those found responsible, as well as to adopt in its domestic law the regulations needed to ensure compliance with such obligation.
Keywords: Case of the Street Children (Villagrán-Morales et al.) v. Guatemala, Life, Right