The applicant, Ms. N, a Ugandan national, entered the UK in March 1998. She was seriously ill and was diagnosed as HIV positive. She completed an asylum application within a few days, claiming she had been raped by the National Resistance Movement in Uganda because of her association with the Lord’s Resistance Army. In August 1998, Ms. N developed Kaposi’s sarcoma. In March 2001, a physician prepared an expert report which expressed that without regular antiretroviral treatment and monitoring, the applicant’s life expectancy would be less than one year. The medication she needed would be available in Uganda, but only at considerable expense and in limited supply in the applicant’s home town.
The Secretary of State rejected Ms. N’s asylum claim, refusing, among other reasons, her argument that there had been a violation of Article 3, as treatment of AIDS in Uganda was comparable to any other African country. The European Court of Human Rights found that for ill-treatment to fall within the scope of Article 3, it must attain a minimum level of severity that is relative and dependent on all the circumstances of the case, including the duration of treatment, its physical and mental effects and, in some cases, the sex, age and state of health of the victim. Also, the Court maintained that the State may apply Article 3 in cases where harm derives from a naturally occurring illness and the lack of sufficient resources to deal with it in the receiving country.
The dissenting opinion in this case argued that the present case met the “very exceptional circumstances” test laid down in D. v. United Kingdom. As such, the Court should have found a potential Article 3 violation, “precisely because there are substantial grounds to believe that the applicant faces a real risk of prohibited treatment in the country of proposed removal.”
Keywords: Case of N v. The United Kingdom, Health, HIV/AIDS, Refugees, Asylum, Seekers, Displaced, Persons, Right