Nature of the Case
In 2015, Budha Ismail Jam and other farmers and fishing communities surrounding the polluting Tata Mundra Ultra Mega coal-fired power plant in Gujarat, India, sued the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) for its role financing the plant’s construction by private firm Costal Gujarat Power Limited. The plaintiffs sought damages and injunctive relief for negligence, nuisance, trespass, and breach of contract, alleging that pollution from the coal plant’s construction and operation had harmed farmland, air, water, and marine life. An IFC internal audit found that the company had not complied with an environmental and social plan required by the loan to protect areas surrounding the plant. The audit also found the IFC had not adequately supervised the project.
The issue before the United States (US) Supreme Court was whether the IFC had absolute immunity from suit. The Court interpreted US law as granting designated international organizations the more restricted immunity that is currently enjoyed by foreign governments, not the nearly absolute immunity granted initially in 1945. Since 1952, foreign governments have typically been able to be sued in the US for certain commercial activities, even as they have continued generally to hold absolute immunity in other areas.