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Gran cantidad de residentes de basties (asentamientos informales) de la ciudad de Dhaka fueron desalojados sin aviso previo y sus viviendas fueron demolidas con topadoras. Dos residentes y tres ciudadanos presentaron un reclamo cuestionando las demoliciones en nombre del interés público. La Corte Suprema sostuvo que los habitantes tenían ciertos derechos a una vivienda y a una audiencia justa, y emitió recomendaciones para su reasentamiento.

A large number of residents of basties (informal settlements) of Dhaka City were evicted without notice and their homes were demolished with bulldozers. A case, challenging the ongoing evictions, was brought by two residents and three citizens in the public interest. The Supreme Court held that inhabitants had some rights to shelter and a fair hearing and made recommendations for resettlement.