Brazil: Resolve tensions between farmers and agribusiness in Paraná


On November 5, 2007 ESCR-Net sent an urgent action letter to the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, and the Governor of Paraná State, Roberto Requião, of Brazil requesting that the government respond to the escalating tensions between Sygenta Seeds farm and farmers in its neighboring area, and take action against the violence committed there.  ESCR-Net called on the two officials to:

  • take immediate steps to protect MST leaders Celso Barbosa and Célia Aparecida Lourenço
  • hold the Swiss biotech company Syngenta accountable for whatever responsibility it had in the acts of violence that ensued on October 21, 2007 during a peaceful protest by the farmers
  • calm tensions and prevent further incidents by disbanding privately armed groups in the region and immediately suspending operations of the NF Security company
  • take the needed steps to guarantee the safety and human rights of members of MST and Via Campesina and their partners in the future
  • demand that their human rights be respected and protected, particularly by ensuring that they are able to meaningfully participate in policy decisions directly affecting them
  • keep ESCR-Net informed on all measures taken

See the complete letter here.

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