Call For Photos - The Business & Human Rights Documentation Project (B-HRD)

Do you have photos that show the effects businesses have on human rights?

Consider donating them to the Business and Human Rights Documentation(B-HRD) Project by sending them, along with a caption explaining what the photo depicts, to Thank you in advance for helping us defend human rights. is a new joint initiative of ESCR-Net and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) at NYU School of Law. B-HRD is an interactive, multi-lingual information portal that will provide a much-needed legal and advocacy tool to better understand the relationship between business activities and human rights, and to assist in the development of standards to hold companies to account for human rights. To ensure it is visually compelling, we are now soliciting donations of photographs for use on the website.

Working Group(s): 
Thematic Focus: